Monday 29 March 2021

Our Kawa of Care Song

 For the last two weeks, we have been writing and practicing a song on the ukeleles all about the different rules we follow when using our iPads. 

We worked really hard coming up with the lyrics to fit them to 'The Wheels On The Bus' tune while also trying to share as many important rules as we could. We practiced singing lots first and then we added the ukeleles to it. We found it difficult remembering to strum at the right time while we were singing but Miss Pugh tapped her hand on her knee in time which helped. 

We finally got to perform our song in assembly on Friday for all of our family and classmates which was a lot of fun. 

Here is the video for you to enjoy. 

We also celebrated Tara, Caleb and Kobe for their amazing job at showing our Kaniere School Values. 
Ka pai team. 

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Our Grass Heads

This term we have been learning what plants need to grow. To test it out we made our own grass heads and have been looking after them. 

First, we put grass seed and soil in an old stocking. 


  Then we made them round and tied a knot in the end.

Then we added faces to them and put them in a cup of water on the windowsill so that they could get some sunlight. We watched and waited and finally, their hair started to grow! 

We gave them a few haircuts and watched how the quickly grew back. 


Thursday 18 March 2021

Our Busy Friday!

We had a big day on Friday last week. 
We had our swimming sports which were lots of fun! 

Then we had our assembly where we awarded Emilee, Ryker and Max for showing the school values.

We also welcomed Beau to our class who had started with us on Monday. 

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Sustainable Planting

 On Friday Weka and Weka Tēina planted some kōwhai seeds. 

We wanted to do some sustainable planting. This means that we could use seeds from plants that we found in our own school gardens.

We spent some time with the tamariki in Piwakawaka collecting seeds from trees around our school and then separating them from their pods. 

First, we had to put them in boiling water for 24 hours because the shell was too hard and it needed to soften. 

In peers, we got a seedling tray and we filled each little part halfway with soil. 

Then we got 2 kōwhai seeds and put them in each part. 

Next, we put more soil over the top of the kōwhai seeds. 

We then made sure the seeds were in the sun and gave them some water.

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Ukulele with Naomi

 Today we had our second Ukelele lesson. We are learning the C and G7 chords. We worked really hard and tried out singing the colour song! Here's a video of our first try.