Sunday 19 April 2020

Welcome Back to Term 2

Wow what a great first week of term 2 we had through our new online learning programme. It was so nice to have all the weka's back together this week even if it was through a screen. It was great to see and hear about all the fun and creative things everyone got up to over the holidays at home from baking and crafts to going for walks and riding motorbikes.
The highlight of out week this week was going hunting for minibeasts in our backyards and then getting creative and making our own beasts to share.

Miss Pugh can't wait to see what we create this week online!


  1. Hi Ruma Weka, I cant wait to see what the Wekas have made in their backyard minibeast hunt either Ms Pugh. I bet there will be some awesome creations. Chris

  2. Hi Ruma Weka
    Your creations look amazing! I can see that you all have great imaginations! Did they take long to make?

  3. Weka your creations look so cool. I love making things too. I am looking forward to seeing what amazing learning you do with Anzac Day this week.
    Keep it up!!



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