Wednesday 24 March 2021

Our Grass Heads

This term we have been learning what plants need to grow. To test it out we made our own grass heads and have been looking after them. 

First, we put grass seed and soil in an old stocking. 


  Then we made them round and tied a knot in the end.

Then we added faces to them and put them in a cup of water on the windowsill so that they could get some sunlight. We watched and waited and finally, their hair started to grow! 

We gave them a few haircuts and watched how the quickly grew back. 



  1. Hi Ruma Weka, these all look fantastic, love the different hair dos!!!! From Kelly (Finnie's Mum)

  2. Hello, this is Pūkeko learning space from Wigram Primary School in Christchurch. We love your grass heads! They look awesome. We are going to ask our teachers if we can do it too. Was it funny when you gave them a haircut? How long did it take for the grass to grow? Have a great day, from Pūkeko

    1. Thankyou Pūkeko for looking at our blog. it was very fun! We all did different haircuts and some had mohawks, some had flat tops and some had crazy cuts. We let them grow for about two weeks each time before cutting them.

  3. Hi there I’m Mahdi from Panmure Bridge School I’m in room 4 I like how did you give them a great haircut? They look very good grass heads.


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