Monday 29 March 2021

Our Kawa of Care Song

 For the last two weeks, we have been writing and practicing a song on the ukeleles all about the different rules we follow when using our iPads. 

We worked really hard coming up with the lyrics to fit them to 'The Wheels On The Bus' tune while also trying to share as many important rules as we could. We practiced singing lots first and then we added the ukeleles to it. We found it difficult remembering to strum at the right time while we were singing but Miss Pugh tapped her hand on her knee in time which helped. 

We finally got to perform our song in assembly on Friday for all of our family and classmates which was a lot of fun. 

Here is the video for you to enjoy. 

We also celebrated Tara, Caleb and Kobe for their amazing job at showing our Kaniere School Values. 
Ka pai team. 


  1. This is so cute! Well done on your singing and learning the Ukulele Weka

  2. Well done Ruma Weka ☺️

  3. Wow! We love your song, Ruma Weka! We have been learning about iPads too. Maybe we could use your song to remember the iPad rules. We think you are so good at singing and playing the ukulele.
    Your friends in Pūkeko, at Wigram Primary School.

    1. Thank-you for your kind comment. We think we sound pretty good too. We are going to share the song with the other students using ipads at our school aswell.

  4. Hi guys I like you Picture and book it’s sooo cool and my name is Jeremiah at pammure bridge school. and comment on my blogs bye have a good Easter Day and a good weekend bye guys

  5. Hi it’s me again and I have two comments two blogs cause I’m at school it’s cool here and I walk home I do homework and my math Challenge and ya do you get math Challenge and what’s your teachers name my teachers name is mr goodin and cool teacher ever and we me and him and my friend nio go in duty and someone is Hurt or bad

  6. I write so many comments on every ones blog and I’m 7 years old and ya have a Great day enjoy your guys lunch

  7. Hi my name is chrissy-Dee I go to penguin school I am in room for I like your swimming video because I go swimming to on Thursdays.


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