Monday 12 April 2021

Our Natural Easter Eggs

For our easter creation last week we made a natural easter egg using things we found in our school environment.  We may have used harakeke, stones, leaves, flowers, twigs, grass, bark, berries and seed pods. 

We thought the eggs looked great, surprising, creative, a little like a garden and we are very proud of our creations.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kia ora Ruma Weka. We love your natural Easter Eggs! They are so cool and colourful. We like the harakeke because we have some harakeke at our school and one of our writing groups is called harakeke! How did you make them? Did you use glue or are they just temporary? We want to make one too! From, your friends in Pūkeko.

    1. Thankyou. We got the harakeke from our school plants aswell. We used hot glue to stick them on but took a photo of them first so that we remembered where to put everything once we put the glue on.

  3. Hi Ruma Weka
    I love your Easter Eggs. They are very creative. Did you get to take them home for Easter? I hope you didn't try and eat them, I don't think they would taste very nice. I think I'll stick to chocolate eggs. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes we did take them home! We think we will stick to chocolate eggs too.

  4. These natural easter eggs are beautiful!! I really like the different things you used on each egg to decorate! Was it hard finding the right sized leaves and stones? Michelle (Sophie's Mum)

  5. We got extra decorations so we had lots to choose from to make them fit best.


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