Monday 24 May 2021

Connecting To Tāne

On Friday we learnt about Tāne Mahuta and that he is the atua of the forest. We had a chance to see what it would be like to be Tāne for a little while. We chose a tree and stood or sat quietly at the trunk for a few minutes. We used our senses to imagine what he would be able to see, hear, smell and feel. Then we came back into class to draw a picture of our tree and write what we learnt. 

We loved being outside connecting with the environment for outside classroom day.

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Creating a Character


We have been learning how to create a character for a story. We watched a video on Class Dojo about the Night Zookeeper. He taught us about what key details we need to include when introducing a new character. 

Here are our animals that we created to live in the night zoo.

Our Lego Writing Creations

 Last week each class in our school was given a tub of lego to use as a creative station. We chose to try it out by creating our own lego creations. Then we wrote a story about it and recorded ourselves reading it using explain everything. 

These are a few of the creations made by our class. 

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Be Bright, Eat Right Magic Show

Today we went to watch a magic show called Be Bright, Eat Right. We learnt that fruits and vegetables should cover half of our plates. We learnt that we shouldn't drink fizzy drink every day because it has lots of sugar which is not good for your teeth.
We found out that when you have too much sugar and fat you can get sick easier and we need to eat things that give us nutrients and vitamins. 

We all really liked when he turned the fire into a pigeon and then the pigeon into a rabbit.
Luke liked it when he made flowers grow out of a pot. 
Ollie and Kobe liked when he made one big dice turn into lots of small dice.

It was lots of fun!