Wednesday 19 May 2021

Our Lego Writing Creations

 Last week each class in our school was given a tub of lego to use as a creative station. We chose to try it out by creating our own lego creations. Then we wrote a story about it and recorded ourselves reading it using explain everything. 

These are a few of the creations made by our class. 


  1. Great lego creations Ruma Weka and great expression in your reading! Well done. From Kelly (Finnian's Mum)

  2. Hello Ruma Weka! We love your lego creations. We think it's pretty cool that you took photos of your creations and that you recorded yourselves talking about them. How long did it take you to learn how to use Explain Everything? Now we want to try this too! It's fun using our imaginations at school. From the Pūkeko Learning Space from Wigram Primary School.


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