Saturday 27 February 2021

Celebration of Achievements

At our school assembly, every fortnight three of us are rewarded for showing the school values and being great learners. 
There are 2 value certificates and 1 star of the week certificate. 

On the 12th of February, these were awarded to Max, Indi and Finnian. 

This Week they were awarded to Louis, Luke and Meia. 

Tau ke koutou! you are all great at modelling our Kaniere School values. 

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Our Statistical Investigations

Over the last three weeks, we have been learning about creating graphs and the different features you need on them. 

We started by making a few simple pictographs as a whole class. 

We then learnt about the important labels they need to be able to read the graph. 

Then we learnt about how to make statements about what we have learnt from a graph. 

Finally, we got into pairs and conducted our own statistical investigations from start to finish! 

These were the different steps we had to go through.

1. pick a question

2. create a tally chart on explain everything to survey on

3. collect the answers from our classmates

4. total up the answers

5. create a graph to share the information on. 

 Then as a class, we made some statements about what we have learnt from the information. 

We are very proud of our final graphs!

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Weka Class of 2021!

 We were all so excited to get back to school on Wednesday last week!! 

We searched for all of or classmates names in a word find. 

We helped out Weka Teina with a scavenger hunt to show them all of the different places around our school. 

We tried out our awesome new reading corner. 


And we got to pick our own bag hooks and cubby holes. 

We think we are going to have a great year!