Friday 25 September 2020

Student Spotlight - Meia

 This week has been a BIG and BUSY week! 

We have written some term 3 reflections. 

We got three new people in our class. It was Natalie, Max and Caleb. 

We had three birthdays. Caden turned 7 on Tuesday and Natalie and Max are 6 today! 

We received a new letter from the Little Garden League and Natalie got into the club. 

And we have a big assembly today for the last assembly of the term. 

Thursday 24 September 2020

Student Spotlight - Luke

 Last week I was the star of the week and it was really fun because it was Māori language week. We learnt the colours in te reo and sung a song about it. On Friday we had hapu sports which is where we break up into our 4 school hapu's and then we took turns playing different games. I am in the orange hapu which is called Rimu. 

Friday 18 September 2020

Wacky Hair Day/Wig Day

 Today we are celebrating Wig Wednesday. We are doing it today because our seniors were on camp on the real wig Wednesday. 

We have lots of people with wigs or wacky hair in our class today to help raise money for the child cancer foundation. 

Friday 11 September 2020

Student Spotlight - Ava

 This week we did an experiment were we put sharp pencils into a little bag of water and a big bag of water. I thought the bag was going to explode but it didn't because it just got a wee hole and the water came out like a waterfall. We thought Miss Pugh was magic. 

Thursday 10 September 2020

Crystal Making

For the last two weeks, we have been making crystals and watching them grow. We made them using borax, water and food colouring and then put a straw or pipe cleaner into the jar.

We finally took them out of the jars this week and this is what they looked like.

Student Spotlight - Evie

Last week we brought in a box and we wrote about what we thought was in it.
When we opened it the parts to set up a little garden league clubhouse was inside. It came with a mailbox. We had to write letters and fill out an application to be in the club and post it in the box. 

Monday 7 September 2020

Counting with Ladybugs

Last week we made some ladybugs. 
We then practiced our counting, adding and subtracting by using the spots on the wings.