Friday 18 September 2020

Wacky Hair Day/Wig Day

 Today we are celebrating Wig Wednesday. We are doing it today because our seniors were on camp on the real wig Wednesday. 

We have lots of people with wigs or wacky hair in our class today to help raise money for the child cancer foundation. 


  1. Looking great Ruma Weka. From Kelly (Finnian's Mum)

  2. "Wow Ruma Weka you all look marvellous!" said Mrs Rowell.
    Giannina asked"Did everyone in the school wear a wig?"
    Elijah said"Those bunny ear ones are cool!"
    Ollie asked " Did your head get hot wearing them all day?"

    1. Thankyou!
      No Giannina, not everyone wore something but most people did.
      Austin said - "Thankyou, I forgot a wig so I borrowed them from our costume box".
      Finnian said "our heads didn't get hot but they did get itchy!"


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.