Monday 18 April 2022

Architects for the day

 We read a book called Puffin the Architect by Kimberly Andrews and really wanted to try out being architects ourselves. We created our own dream home and wrote about what we added to them. 

Thursday 14 April 2022

School Athletic

 Here are some photos of us competing in the different events at athletics this year.

Monday 4 April 2022

Our Play - The Hole in the King's Sock

We have been reading the book The Hole in the King's Sock as our shared reading book. For our activity, we decided to retell the story by acting it out. 

We chose our characters, wrote the script and practised lots and lots. 

We were very excited to share our play in assembly on Friday and thought it would be nice to share it on our blog as well. 

Enjoy our retelling of The Hole in the King's Sock by Dot Meharry.