Friday 27 August 2021

Our Clocks

 This week for math we have been learning all about how to tell the time so that we could make it to our Google meets on time. For this, we had to make our own clocks out of things we could find around the house so that we could practice telling the half past and o'clock time. 

Lockdown Themes

Wow! What a week we have had online learning while in lockdown. 

Each day this week we had a different theme. 

On Tuesday we brought our pets online to say hello. 

On Wednesday we had our favourite teddy or toy learn with us for the day. 

On Thursday we had a crazy hat day where we all wore something on our heads. 

And today we all dressed up in yellow to celebrate Daffodil day. 

Stay tuned for more posts about our week of online learning fun!