Thursday 8 July 2021

Matariki Celebration

 Over the past 2 weeks, we have been learning all about the Matariki star cluster and the Māori traditions that take place during Matariki. 

We chose to celebrate Matariki by coming together with the other two junior classes, learning a Māori local story and creating a beautiful artwork to share with our community. 

We learnt about the legend of Poutini which is a story about how pounamu came to be in the rivers of the West Coast. 

We performed a retelling of the story for our kura and whānau and created a large mural of the story which is being shown in our town Matariki exhibition. 

We were also asked to paint one of the 9 stars to be hung in town. We were given Ururangi, the atua of wind. We all had a go at painting a part of our star and are very proud of it. 

Our final big Matariki activity was learning to weave harakeke baskets. The senior students supported us with this and while it was challenging we were proud of our final baskets. 


  1. These turned out awesome Ms Pugh, I know the children worked really hard.

  2. Hi Weka
    Gosh you all achieved such a lot with all of the Matariki activities that took place. I hope that you are all very proud of what was achieved as a junior school team. The finished products were all spectacular and finished to an amazingly high standard. Kapai Weka!


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