Thursday 17 June 2021

Shape Scavenger Hunt

 Last week in maths we had a shape scavenger hunt. We had to choose 3-4 shapes that we knew and insert the shapes onto an explain everything project. Then we had to search around the classroom to find things that would fit into those shapes and take a photo of them. We found out that there are shapes everywhere around us. Have a look around where you are and see what shapes you can spot. 


  1. Kia ora Ruma Weka,

    We love how you were able to find shapes in everyday objects in your classroom. We have been finding 3-dimensional shapes too around our school. We will post about it. You should check it out!

    Room 4, Panmure Bridge School.

    1. Thank-you for your comment. We can't wait to see your blog post.

  2. What a lot of shapes in the classroom. Who found the most shapes?

  3. We all found either 3 or 4. The hardest shapes to find were ovals, stars and triangles.


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