Friday 28 August 2020

Daffodil Day

Today we celebrated Daffodil Day at Kaniere School!
Our class did really well at dressing up. Some people had daffodils pinned to their tops, others had yellow hairspray and yellow face paint and we all were given a tattoo for giving a gold coin donation. 
The whole school got dressed up and we are going to see everyone's outfits at assembly time.

Thursday 27 August 2020

Art for the Westland District Library

Last week We had Krystel, a librarian from the Westland District Library come and visit our class. We read a Book that won book of the year and then made some very cool suns out of paper plates, yarn and crepe paper.
Our artwork is on display at the library if you would like to go and see it.

Here are the photos of our finished products.

Friday 21 August 2020

Student Spotlight - Sophie

This week we had Kris from the library come and read us the story Abigail and the Birth of the Sun. After that, we did some sun art and it was fun because we got to put yellow strings hanging off the bottom.

For writing this week we watched a video about a bridge, a bear, a moose, a rabbit and a racoon. They were fighting about who got to go to the other side. We made an animation on explain everything retelling the story and then wrote about what we thought the ending would be. I said that maybe the racoon and the rabbit will fight because they wanted to get to the other side like the bear and the moose.

Here is my animation

Student Spotlight - Logan

Last week for writing we got to write about anything we wanted. I wished that I had a PlayStation 4 so that I could play games with my brother. I enjoyed this writing because I got to write about what I like.

Next time I do writing I want to write about what I do with my family after school.

Here is my writing.

Thursday 20 August 2020

More Exciting Achievements

Last week we had our school assembly where we recognised some of our wonderful learners in weka and shared our Matariki art with the school. 

Here is the video of our sharing. 

Well done Sophie and Essie for completing all of thier sight word levels in the last couple of weeks. 

Caden was awarded for showing Rangatiratanga in his reading, Logan - for showing Manaakitanga by having is bag organised, and Sophie was the Star of the Week for her awesome editing skills in writing. 

Ka mau te pai - Greet work everyone! 

Friday 7 August 2020

Student Spotlight - Tara

Matariki art

This week in Ruma Weka we did matariki art.
First, we painted the stars onto the black paper for the background. Then we ripped the paper to create the mountains. Then we used the soft pastels to colour the tops of the mountains. Then we rubbed the pastel up on to the black paper to make the southern lights. We printed out the Matariki stars and glue them on in the right formation onto the black paper.

It was really fun! The hardest part was ripping the paper to make the mountains. The most fun part was rubbing the pastels up.

They are going to look really cool on the wall!

This is my finished artwork!

Written by Tara.

Tuesday 4 August 2020


For maths this term we have been learning about measurement. 
We started by putting ourselves in order of shortest to tallest. 
Next, we looked at how we can measure the length of a room with our bodies. 
Then we looked at how we could use different parts of our bodies to measure all sorts of things. 



We have celebrated lots of great achievements in Ruma Weka in the last two weeks. 

Some of these were the first group of tamariki to complete all of their sight word lists.

Coming in the top three at our school cross country. 

And receiving a certificate for showing Rangatiratanga in class.