Friday 24 April 2020


This week in Weka we were learning all about ANZAC day. We talked to our families to learn more about it, made wreaths out of the facts we learnt, made our own bootcamp courses and wrote a letter of thanks to someone we appreciate.


  1. Weka you all have done some amazing work this week around Anzac day. I also loved reading what you are all thankful for. I think I need to try out your bootcamps. I need a little more exercise. Ka Pai! Weka

  2. Hello Ruma Weka!
    No wonder I look forward to these wonderful slides. They are so full of your awesome work! I loved watching your bootcamps - they look like fun, but my favourite is the slide about what you are thankful for, it really made me smile and gave me warm fuzzies. Well done Ruma Weka!


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